YouTube Is For Cats
YouTube Is For Cats (GitHub) is a list of 70+ YouTube channels that release cat videos.
The channels are organised into “Single cat”, “Multiple cats”, “Cat TV”, “Cat animations”, “Cat charities”, and “Cat products”. Each channel’s video, subscriber, and view count are updated nightly automatically.
This project is intentionally simple, repurposing existing functionality to check the Code Cured domain and GitHub organisation are working correctly.
In progress
Realistically, the main current project is Accreditation, and all the general work required to bootstrap Code Cured itself!
Functionality-based projects
- Cat name analyser
- Primarily based on syllables, e.g. 2 is ideal.
- Also checks letters used, since ending in uppercase is thought to be better.
- Cite (academic) sources where possible.
- Can share results via URL params, e.g.
- Lots of “easter egg” names that give a great score and display a photo of the specific cat, e.g. Cassie, Garfield, Felix.
- Using AI / computer vision to look at a cat video and try to determine mood based on body position, tail movements, etc.
- Connect producers of unsold cat products (e.g. manufacturers, supermarkets) with those that can utilise large quantities at short notice (e.g. shelters).
Resource listing projects
- Free resources to help tenants convince landlords to allow them to keep cats.
- List (similar to YouTube Is For Cats) of public streams of cats.
- Comprehensive list of where to submit missing cat information in various locales. For example, in the UK Facebook is often used, but Nextdoor is a crucial place too. This could also include groups on these platforms, but that would of course be higher maintenance.
- Open up a bank account to pay bills from.
- Register for gift aid relief.
- Ability for individuals to donate for a specific benefit. Will of course need to consider KYC etc.